by Joan Lindsay
45. PICNIC AT HANGING ROCK, BY JOAN LINDSAYRecommended by Holly, on Goodreads. I’m not sure what to say about it, it’s kind of a weird book. Still, it was an interesting read.Synopsis: A group of girls from an all-girls school goes on a picnic on a rock formation on Australia. Three girls and one of...
I had expected some more horror/mystery. But other then that it was good, too bad we will never know what happened to the people who went missing. Some characters where just horrible (because of their attitude) and I have had a few times that I just wanted to close the book and stop reading. Nice st...
I absolutely loved the ùovie. Should I read the book?
read SO long ago but reminded of its existence today by Vivienne
ah! and there you are, my perfect little novel! it has been some time since last we've embraced. come, let us reacquaint ourselves. but what is that you say, and so modestly? what is so perfect about you? my sweet darling, don't be so shy! you are indeed a wondrous creation. here, let me count the w...
The story is, supposedly, based on a "real" event - the author neither denies nor confirms this.A group of girls, along with 2 chaperons, go on a Valentine's day picnic near a geological formation called Hanging Rock. There is eating, reading of poetry & conversation. A few girls and one chaperon de...
Picnic at Hanging Rock by Joan Lindsay is a sinister tale that had me at page one.I really enjoyed this novel and set in Austrailia in 1900." It was a cloudless summer day in the year nineteen hundred, Everyone at Appleyard College for Young Ladies agreed it was just right for a picnic at hanging ...