Pincher Martin
9780571061495 (0571061494)
Edition language: English
bookshelves: summer-2015, nobel-laureate, published-1956, shortstory-shortstories-novellas, islands, hell-breaks-loose-one-night-ashore, existentialism, lifesa-beach, lifestyles-deathstyles, lit-richer, under-1000-ratings, tbr-busting-2015, e-book, nutty-nuut, memento-mori, seven-seas, wwii, boo-sc...
Unbelievably well-done. Excruciating. Quite often unbearably so.
Golding is a masterful stylist - the prose in Pincher Martin is so visceral it hurts - and this novel rank among his best works, right up there with The Inheritors and Rites of Passage. Explorations of guilt, of insufficiency, of the pettiness of humankind, all written up in a language that barely l...