by Emily Bryan
I was able to check out PLEASURING THE PIRATE from the law school library at the same time as I checked out Анна Ахматова, Полное Собрание в Одном Томе, so that was pretty much the most successful library experience ever.__________________________There was this one day, when I lived in Ukraine, wher...
So many romances featuring pirates, and I've never read a one. I *still* have not read one because this book actually takes place on an estate in Cornwall, where the cover model probably felt quite chilled without his shirt. The male lead (I refuse to call him a "hero") spent some time as a pirate a...
Hey, what's this barrel doing here? I think there's something inside it... wait... I don't believe it. A fish. Hello fish! No, don't worry, I have nothing against trashy historical romances. Quite enjoy them in fact. Absolutely no need to get paranoid. Uh-oh. This could be trouble. I see Meredith co...
One of my favorite aphorisms about parenting come from Utah Philips which goes: children are assholes, but they're their own assholes. I don't think my buddy Utah (totally best name ever) meant this as some kind of Rousseauian garbage about the purity of children, but he is implying a purity in the ...
The subject is sex, and early on, you begin to note a pattern...The pirate is fixated on Jack/Jacquelyn/Lyn’s bodice. His goal, which he makes plain early on, is to penetrate the cheeky wench’s bodice...and other parts as well; in this mood, he’s portrayed as more animal than gentleman, and our lass...