by Henry Beard
I needed this today - I needed to laugh, and between this small gem and watching Easter-cat trying to creatively bath herself while wedged at an odd angle between pillows on the bed (SO wish I had my camera), I felt lighter this afternoon than I did this morning. (The Cubs winning the world series ...
— A cute and entertaining look at that most amusing genre, satirical cat poetry. I can’t say that I liked all of the poems, but they were mostly entertaining, and I needed something light and amusing to read. I did like this better than Zen of Cats, so I might have to go back and adjust my rating ...
The poems here are all parodies of the poems on which they are based. The subjects are turned to matters of interest to cats. (Matthew Arnold's Dover Beach turns into a meditation on Dover sole, for example.) I got this as a "stocking stuffer" one year, and was much amused. I think my favorit...
Earlier today, we were walking past one of the open-air bookstalls on Rue de la Marché when I noticed a second-hand copy of this book. It opened naturally at the following poem, which I liked so much that I immediately had to read it aloud:Kubla KatBy Samuel Taylor Coleridge's CatIn Xanadu did Kubla...