by Colleen Hoover
Point of Retreat is the sequel to Colleen Hoover’s Slammed. Now that Layken and Will can finally be together they have to figure out how to deal with the hands they’ve been dealt. The things that brought them together could be the things that tear them apart.“Meh.” To me this book is “meh.” I do not...
Book two of the Slammed series. I'm still in love with Will and Lake, but this book made me realize Will has some faults. Really, I think that just made him human, but he made some seriously stupid mistakes, considering he's supposed to be the more mature/ adult like of the two. However, this is ...
It’s been almost a year since I read Slammed, first book of this series. In the meantime I’ve read all of the other Colleen Hoover’s books, all of them, and I’ve come to the conclusion she’s in my top three favorite authors’ list, no doubt about it. All her love stories are unique and specials and t...