In the simmering hot summer of 1492, a monstrous evil is stirring within the Eternal City of Rome. The brutal murder of an alchemist sets off a desperate race to uncover a plot that threatens to end the Renaissance and plunge Europe back into medieval darkness. Determined to avenge the killing of...
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In the simmering hot summer of 1492, a monstrous evil is stirring within the Eternal City of Rome. The brutal murder of an alchemist sets off a desperate race to uncover a plot that threatens to end the Renaissance and plunge Europe back into medieval darkness. Determined to avenge the killing of her father, Francesca Giordano defies all convention to claim the position of
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Format: Paperback
Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin
Pages no: 400
Edition language: English
Series: The Poisoner Mysteries (#1)
In recent years, the Borgias have become the next great historical fiction fad, with good reason. They represent everything that was corrupt within the Catholic Church while simultaneously supporting those subjects that helped make Rome one of the most powerful cities in Europe for so long. Their hi...
Probably more like a 3.5. It had some pacing issues and felt a little like two shorter novels mashed together, but it was an interesting and exciting take on the age and I'm eager to check out the second in the series.
3.5 stars. http://shelfandstuff.blogspot.com/2010/09/poison-by-sara-poole.html
I started this book knowing enough about the Borgias to be able to feel like I could follow the story. What I learned along the way was not so much more.The books starts with a bang, a murder and a daughter's vow to avenge her father. About midway through it lost it for me. I felt it was a bit to...