by Josephine Myles
It’s hard to flirt when sequins are chafing your bits… Injured pole dancer Matt Lovell meets attractive radiographer Sal when he’s in casualty for an x-ray. Trouble is, Matt’s firefighter outfit is pretty convincing, and the longer he keeps up the pretence the harder it will be to reveal the naked t...
This one happens so fast. We start the book and everything just flies. I personally prefer stories with more development and more slow paced. I like get to know the characters and read their interactions and this book, even if it's not bad lacks of that. I would have prefered them to get to know e...
Awww. So cute.
Cute short story.
Pole star is a short story, and is well written with good characthers that feel quite deep for a short story.Matt is a stripper, known as pole star in his big strip in fireman uniform his hurt his foot so has to go to hospital. Enter Sal the radiographer dressed in kids ward scrubs. Matt hopes his...
Awww, nice! This one struck close to home for me. No, I'm not a guy and I'm definitely not a pole dancer (me and a dancing pole? Yikes)! But I AM a radiographer, the same as Sal. Sweet! Haven't looked at my profession as something sexy before ;)Sooo familiar settings for me :) "Sal pushed the chair ...
Perfect short story! I would have paid for it..... In fact, I will buy it as soon as I can, to put it on my kindle! I just love the feel of the writing - quirky, funny, sexy - English :-D