by Aristotle, Trevor J. Saunders
As Plato’s writings have been a cornerstone of Western thought, so have those of his pupil Aristotle through his own lectures and treatise sometimes agreed and disagreed with his teacher while shaping the views of millions over the millennia. Politics is one of the most important political treatise...
Really only browsed this book.I probably can't agree with most of what he's saying, but I fully concur with his view that we wouldn't need slaves (and I'm including working wo/man in this term, too) if we had machines that would take care of stuff automagically.Well, we do.
The final thought that Aristotle leaves us in Nicomachean Ethics is the main source of tension in The Politics. The goal of existence in Nicomachean Ethics is happiness which can be achieved through the contemplative life, but Aristotle is rooted in Greek culture and cannot conceive of happiness ou...