by Tony Burgess
I feel like I should have, in theory, really liked this book. It had elements that I usually love -absurdness, and hint of surreal, playfulness with language, and zombies. Somehow though these elements didn't really come together very well. I enjoyed the second half more than the first, but it wa...
4.5? Maybe? I'd have rounded up, but how can you give a book five stars that its author admits to having wished he'd never written?Whathefuckever, it was brilliant.It was beautiful and gory and disturbing and violent and put this song in my head in places. It was definitely the best new-to-me thi...
I wish I had the words to tell you how wonderful this book really is. It's a book full of lyrical prose, beautiful and terrible imagery, important and wondrous ideas, humour and hardcore horror. Centred around the idea of a zombie virus transmitted by language, the book touches on eye-opening concep...