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2.5 starsA fun little read. The minions provided some fun comical relief and William was amusing. I didn't really like how the story ended though, in my mind I was screaming for the minions to get the heck out of there.
Loved this until the ending. Poor minions. loved the concept, I loved the story, I loved the humorous streak and the funny scenes that took place, but I hated, hated, really hated (can’t say that enough) the length of it. The fact that it was so short it didn’t even made a 10 minutes read. And the und...
AAACRKKK, WTF-ery book made me cranky!!! Tam already told me that I might liked this if I didn't take this story seriously, but I couldn't help it. I didn't like it and it annoyed the heck out of me.Oh, the first part ROCKED. It was so funny and endearing. How William's minions (I loved the minions!...