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Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell follows the careers of the two first English magicians in four hundred years. Set in the early years of the 19th century, it's a sort of cross between a mock biography - with footnotes and dates - and a typical 18th century sensation novel. Which obviously gives it th...
This is one of the very lengthy novels. Yet finishing this gives me a hollow feeling, make me want to reread it twice or trice. While not reading this, there were some thought in my head that went back to this book again and again. It was the first book in two years that could enchant me like this.T...
I stopped reading Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell on page 82. It's definitely a slow-paced story with lots of exposition and footnotes, but my interest was piqued. It's just that, there are others I want to read more in 2011. [As of April 3, 2013 this one's more "on hold" than completely abandone...
Mr. Norwell, a magician from Yorkshire, decides that magic needs a shiny new reputation having been mangled at the hands of street peddlers and the like. So that is the beginning of this massive story, which starts off with bang. Of course Norwell needs a pupil and Jonathan Strange arrives on the ...