This was way too long and focused way too much on the kids. But the story manages to give you all kinds of warm fuzzy feelings - so it's all good. I wouldn't recommend to read it for the romance, because it takes second place after the extremely detailed description of daily life for Stiles and the ...
S'Okay. I kind of liked it. 2.5 Lots and lots and lots (like Jelly-Tots) of very adorable cutesy - wootsey were-baby moments. Cuddles and smoochies and tantrums and nap times and playtimes and ... I'm exhausted and my teeth hurt. Lots of UST not enough LUST!I ended up skimming this, so I am clearly ...
So sweet am now in diabetic coma. Need help. Stat.
Note to self: maybe after watching Teen Wolf.
I've never rated a Sterek fanfiction 5 stars before (though my collection on GRs really is quite pitiful), and there are few that I've even been wholly emotionally invested in. It's not that I don't support or believe in this ship as much as others, but I've just never really taken the stories as se...