by Christine Warren, Kate Reading
I didn't love the book...I didn't like the chemistry between Mac and Danice... okay there really wasn't any. And that was the problem. And she was a totally idiot. The whole reasoning for her going into Faery is beyond insane. She gets attacked and Mac tells her that Faery is 100 times worse an...
Danice Carter, is a attorney, and has worked hard to be working at a prestigious firm. A firm that isn't her dream, but she is content. Then she is asked to do a important job, by the CEO of the company, a job that if she fails she will lose her job. So her client goes missing, and when she goes sea...
3.5 because it was a pretty entertaining book. NOT 4 though because that page count lies. The book is not even 300 pages long. The rest of it is excerpts from other books in the series. And not only do I feel had because it looked like I still had more book to go, but it just...ends. There's no...
I really enjoy this series and have read quite a bit of it completely out of order....I discovered it with "Wolf at the Door" but then found out later it was the continuation of a series that had been published at Ellora's the time I found it the earlier series was no longer available bec...
I didn't connect with any of the characters. I found them boring.
The plot of this one didn't interest me that much. Rosemary is an idiot. and the geis comes true!
For those that have read the Ellora's Cave series The Others is based on, this book isn't really an expansion of Faer Fetched (Fantasy Fix #3). Rather, it's a total rewrite. The story features Danice, a lawyer, and Mac, a half-Fae Changeling. That's about where the similarities end. :D Entertaini...
I really like this series The Others. This story didn't captivate me as much as Missy, Ava, or Reggie's stories did, but it didn't stop me from reading this book in one day.Christine Warren is a fun author and you can easily get into the lives of the characters. Maybe that's why this one didn't sit ...
This series has been one of my favorite paranormal series ever since the first book. It is different from all the other paranormal series out there.I really liked Danice, she is someone that has a goal, and plans on reaching that goal. She has no time for anything other than her career, because her ...
I like this series, but it can be hard to read. The books are not in chornological order. This book takes place before Ava is turned into a vampire. This is not one of the best books I have by Christine Warren. I just didn't think the story was nearly as good. Not ambad reas, though.