by Meg Cabot
So, it’s the final stretch in this binge read. Next month the middle grade spinoff series will out and then in June Royal Wedding will come out and I won’t talk to you because I’ll be too busy reading and wondering why can’t I write swoon like Meg Cabot because God…Michael Moscovitz (though, I stil...
So, this is kind of a late turning point in the series. First and foremost, we’ve got Mia having to face facts and realize that she needs to grow up and get over herself. I also like the fact that her parents actually act like parents and tell her to grow up and move on instead of wallowing in bed c...
February 29, 2008Mia deals with depression, which is described and handled well, particularly for a series that doesn't have to be more than pure froth.Library copy The household has been sick, and life has been stressful, and Meg Cabot is a guaranteed spirit-lifter for me. Eleven years on I have ...