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Princess of Glass - editions back

by Jessica Day George
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Princess of Glass - Jessica Day George
Princess of Glass
publisher: Bloomsbury publish date: May 25th 2010
format: hardcover pages: 257
language: English
ISBN: 1599904780 (9781599904788)
Princess of Glass - Jessica Day George
Princess of Glass
publisher: Bloomsbury publish date: June 21st 2011
format: paperback pages: 266
language: English
ISBN: 1599906597 (9781599906591)
Princess of Glass (Princess #2) - Jessica Day George
Princess of Glass (Princess #2)
publisher: Bloomsbury publish date: February 1st 2011
format: kindle pages: 272
language: English
Princess of Glass - Jessica Day George
Princess of Glass
publisher: Bloomsbury publish date: February 1st 2011
format: ebook pages: 203
language: English
ISBN: 1599907291 (9781599907291)
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