Now this is a sweet little picture books without any words, and it was beautifully told from it's lovely pictures. There's not much to say except that I enjoyed it. I did feel like it was a bit too short to get its message across properly. It was still sweet and enjoyable, but I feel like it would h...
It would be easy to sneer at someone calling herself "Princesse Camcam". But not if you actually looked at her work. This is some gorgeous stuff, so intricate, so nuanced, so emotionally evocative. This is a beautiful book. Go, get your hands on a copy right now, before the next snowfall hits, becau...
A book without words. I am an analyzer, I analyze everything around me, perhaps too much so when I look at a children’s book without words, I look at everything. This book is small so there is not much to address but I melted when I finished this book, I literally ahhhed when I closed this book. Mot...