Story Title: The Runaway Bride Book Title: Once Upon a Wedding: A Fiction From the Heart Second-Chances Anthology Author: Sonali Dev Publish Date: June 11, 2019 Publisher: Self-Published Format: Kindle Source: Own copy Date Read: June 20, 2020 Review A sweet story about a bride with concerns/col...
His Perfect Partner is a sweetheart of a tale with a twist of salsa to flavor it up. Tomas and Yaz are temptation at it's best. Oliveras has written an alluring romace that brings readers into the dance. Heart's are broken, hope is lost, but it's the healing power of love that casts a spell on rea...
How does one live up to their potential, while working to escape the past? There in lies the conundrum of Jeremy Taylor? Behind his charmed life of wealth and privilege lies an inner struggle to distance himself from his demons and become someone he can be proud of. Rosa is the gift he treasures,...
I think this was shaping up to be a nice romance/story, but it just wasn't working for me. Reminded me of Susan mallery or someone like that in style... Something just wasn't clicking.