by Steve McHugh
I really really like this series. And Nate has become one of my favourite UF heroes. Normally you have a kick-ass heroine in those novels. Nate is a very worthy substitute :) The world-building is still interesting and the plot that arches over all then ovels in this series shapes up slowly.
This recap is put under spoiler tag for my sake -- because I easily forgot details and there were a lot going on in this book. As it is a recap, it will contain major spoiler on how the story goes down. So don't click if you don't want to know. [spoiler] The past started in Berlin, 1936 -- Nate was ...
Publication Date: 14th April 2015 from Amazon/47 North Source: Netgalley Long ago, Olympian gods imprisoned the demon Pandora in a human—Hope—creating a creature whose only purpose was chaos and death. Remorseful, the gods locked Pandora away in Tartarus, ruled by Hades. Now, centuries later, Pand...
Okay, this was definitely a five star book. Steve McHugh definitely brought it with this fourth full-length book in the Hellequin series. Nate is definitely going into my top ten of serious bad*sses!Reviewed for Bitten By Books.