by Nicole Dennis
*** 2.5 Stars ***A cute short story about an unlikely couple. Unfortunately, between the insta-love and the fact that the voice of Rhys was consistently inconsistent (flip-flopping between extremely proper and good ‘ole boy), it had some definite issues.
1.75I wanted to like this book, I really did, mostly because I have a thing for nerd - tough guy pairings.But then I read the first sentence:Alistair Tarrellton, a young scientist and professor who possessed multiple masters, doctorates, and philosophical degrees...Aren't doctorates (PhDs) the same ...
Writing was okay but the romance wasn't there and it was yaoi style.Plus it was too expensive for what it was...should be more like 99 cents.
This is the first Nicole Dennis story I have read. Her works seem have pretty good set ups. However this one was not executed as well as I though it would have been.There is a geeky, antisocial professor who meets a war damaged, ex-Marine during an attempted convenience store robbery...sounds promis...
Alistair is the quintessential goofy professor. He got his first college degree while kids his age were still learning to tie their shoes. He is a certified genius with zero social skills. He may be able to map the human genome with his eyes closed, but he could really use a keeper in his personal...