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Просто вместе - Anna Gavalda, Анна Гавальда
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ISBN: 9785983581531 (5983581538)
Publisher: Флюид
Pages no: 592
Edition language: French
Community Reviews
Awogfli - Bookcroc
Awogfli - Bookcroc rated it
2.5 Bitterkitsch
Was ich wieder mal für mich persönlich gelernt habe: Hüte Dich vor Büchern, die in der Werbung als bittersüß beschrieben werden. Wobei - ganz so dramatisch war es auch nicht, aber der Roman von Anna Gawalda war für mich nur äußerst mittelmäßiger Roman mit einigen Ärgerfaktoren.Aber beginnen wir am A...
Stuti's blog for depleting ships
Stuti's blog for depleting ships rated it
3.5When it was good, it was marvelous and when it was bad, it was supremely boring.Here's how it went-I think I should backtrack a bit. When it was bad, it was supremely boring and eye-roll-inducing and happy.It's amazing how a book that starts off with such depressing characters in such deep shits ...
Born to be Bookahoilc :D
Born to be Bookahoilc :D rated it
Devo esser sincera: il nome dell'autrice mi ha tratto in inganno! Se avessi saputo che era francese, mai e poi mai avrei letto questo libro, figuriamoci comprarlo.. Pregiudizi? Sì!!! O meglio, mi è capitato di leggere alcune autrici francesi e l'esperimento non è quasi mai andato a buon fine.. Mi er...
nadines rated it
4 unterschiedliche Charaktere werden Wohnungs- und Schicksalsgenossenin Paris. Da ist die magersüchtige Camille, die großes künstlerischesPotential besitzt, aber die Kunstakademie hat sausen lassen und nunnachts putzen geht um sich über Wasser zu halten. Franck, istFrauenschwarm und leidenschaftlich...
Musings of a Bibliophile
Musings of a Bibliophile rated it
5.0 Hunting and Gathering
The only complaint I have about this book is that I can't speak (or read) fluent French yet, and so it'll be a while before I can read the original. A masterpiece.(This happens to be approximately the 10th time I've read the point in the past year or so, and my opinion still hasn't changed)
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