Psychology of a Person and Fundamentals of Self-Development (Positive Thinking): Self Esteem, Goal Setting, Reverse Psychology, Social Psychology, Free Souls (Positive Thinking Books)
Psychology of a Person and Fundamentals of Self-Development (Positive Thinking) Self Esteem, Goal Setting, Reverse Psychology, Social Psychology, Free Souls Today only, get this Kindle book for just $3.99. Regularly priced at $7.99. Read on your PC, Mac, smart phone, tablet or Kindle device. It...
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Psychology of a Person and Fundamentals of Self-Development (Positive Thinking) Self Esteem, Goal Setting, Reverse Psychology, Social Psychology, Free Souls
Today only, get this Kindle book for just $3.99. Regularly priced at $7.99. Read on your PC, Mac, smart phone, tablet or Kindle device.
It is a well-known fact that psychology studies not only separate mental processes, their characteristics and patterns, but also psychological characteristics of a person as a specific owner of these processes.
Personality means a specific person characterized by the certain individual physical and mental characteristics.
Speaking of personality, psychology has always meant a person as a member of society. Personality is inconceivable outside society. A man has always been a member of a team - family, school, college, university, office employee, etc. The person’s activity in the team, the relationship of the individual and the group mainly determine the development of individual personality features. Personality is always characterized by certain psychological characteristics.
They include needs, interests, ideals and world outlook, political beliefs, person's physical and mental abilities, temperament and temper. The person's psychological features are historically conditioned. They were developed in the course of social and labor life, and, therefore, they express the person’s social essence and characterized features that have evolved in a person as a member of society; they cannot be considered a product of human biological development.
Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn…
General Concept of Personality and Its Psychological Features
What to Do if You Don’t Have a Goal in Life?
Setting Goals
Know What You Are Worth (Complete collection - save $2.99)
Loving Yourself is Important! (Complete collection - save $2.99)
Much, much more!
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Tags: psychology, personality psychology, reverse psychology, social psychology, self esteem, goal setting, free souls, how to be happy, positive thinking, motivate yourself
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