Experience a darker side of "The Beauty and the Beast" where, in a world of vindictive fairies and scornful magicians, not everyone will live happily ever after. Pulchritude tells the tale of Bella, a beautiful girl caught between her selfish father and an enchanted prince ready to sweep her into...
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Experience a darker side of "The Beauty and the Beast" where, in a world of vindictive fairies and scornful magicians, not everyone will live happily ever after. Pulchritude tells the tale of Bella, a beautiful girl caught between her selfish father and an enchanted prince ready to sweep her into a dangerous romance built on deception and betrayal. This debut novel by feminist blogger Ana Mardoll returns a classic fairy tale to its origins as social commentary and in doing so holds a strange mirror to our own world.
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Format: kindle
Publish date: February 19th 2012
Publisher: Acacia Moon Publishing
Pages no: 266
Edition language: English