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Purple Passion - Community Reviews back

by Sindra van Yssel
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Aelli rated it 12 years ago
4.5 stars. Nothing to complain about really.
La Crimson Femme
La Crimson Femme rated it 13 years ago
Why is Lisa still talking to Brian? This I didn't understand. I did find it funny she accidentally joined a munch. I giggled and thought what would happen if one of my vanilla friends did something like that. Lisa dropping in on the munch was the best mistake of her life. Darren picks her up an...
Kyahgirl rated it 14 years ago
3.25/5 BI picked this book to read because I'm still exploring different authors and a review of another van Yssel book had noted that this author writes fairly positive, not-dark, erotica stories. I enjoyed this story, it is along the lines of the Club Shadowlands books by Cherise Sinclair - woma...
Sassafrass rated it 14 years ago
Original review done for The Romance Reviews.I read the description, had to read it, and I have to say that I absolutely made the right choice. This book was immensely fun, utterly entertaining, and overall a marvelous read. Imagine this: You're supposed to meet your overbearing ex-husband's colleag...
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