With a powerful voice and unstoppable suspense, Elizabeth Jennings makes her Forever debut. A shocking betrayal...her father's murder...and a life-threatening accusation...Heiress Charlotte Court has walked into a waking nightmare-one that sends her running from her wealthy home to anywhere she...
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With a powerful voice and unstoppable suspense, Elizabeth Jennings makes her Forever debut. A shocking betrayal...her father's murder...and a life-threatening accusation...Heiress Charlotte Court has walked into a waking nightmare-one that sends her running from her wealthy home to anywhere she can hide.Across the border in Mexico, Charlotte creates a new identity and finds refuge in the battle-torn arms of Navy SEAL Matt Sanders. Fleeing his past, Matt yearns to protect her and replace her pain with pleasure. But Charlotte can't trust anyone, not even someone she's starting to love. She knows she's a target-and out of sight, a soulless killer is zeroing in on his prey...
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Format: ebook
9780446536356 (0446536350)
Publish date: April 1st 2008
Publisher: Grand Central Publishing
Pages no: 480
Edition language: English
Contemporary Romance,
Mystery Thriller,
Romantic Suspense
3 1/2 starsThere were parts of this book that I really liked.Likable characters, great imaging and a sexy SEXY dude! Others parts, not so much.It was a little too wordy for me, LOTS of narration and inner-musings.I also wanted more time with the H/h. It was fun to get inside the bad guy's head but f...
Artist daughter of wealthy businessman is on the run and injured. She just witnessed her ailing father being suffocated in his hospital room by his ambitious employee's henchman, who then shot her shoulder. She meets recuperating-SEALS Hero who's helps her find her shooter. He does what he can to pr...
Wow! My first Elizabeth Jennings book and I was totally in love! Elizabeth Jennings also writes as Lisa-Marie Rice and I love her books as well! She's a brilliant writer in either names. I managed to stumble onto Elizabeth Jennings by accident and am waiting patiently for Ms Jenning's newest book Sh...
This book started great. The power-and-money-thirsty CEO having the owner of the company killed and blaming it all on the daughter of said company owner, because she scorned his advances. What more could you want? Well, maybe the haughty heiress running for her life across the country with a bullet-...