by Rochelle Paige
My eyeballs are stuck in the back of my head. It's about a three hour read, and it's not worth it. DNF at 40% (a lot of skimming) Cocky frat boy isn't doing it for me, with his off and on interest and hot and cold emotion. Getting that from about 20 pages with him. Weird obsessive behavior...NOPI...
Let me say first that this book wasn't terrible per se, but it was certainly NOT for me. I felt it was a bit more of the erotic romance than I expected, and that is not what I am in to. Also, I felt that some of Drake's behaviors crossed a line and for a girl who had already been stalked by a previo...
2 stars mostly because I finished it. The writing is sorta 'young' ( that's a nicer way of saying amateurish) and not very much actually happens within the story, with the exception of a bit of melodrama near the end of the book( eye rolling melodrama, IMO). The characters are ridiculously cookie cu...