Read for class, probably wouldn't read again. Thirty-one of us and only me and one other person (a pidgin speaker) liked it. I wonder if Rolling was written contemporaneously, like from a journal or did Linmark research his extensive pop culture references? Heavy references to Farrah Fawcett aside,...
For someone who does not understand her own concept of home, this book greatly appealed to me. To be home in Manila and yet not, with its constant changes and surprises--both frustrating and endearing. It's a rollicking fun and bittersweet tour of Manila; one journey that will hopefully guide you in...
A novel filled with parodic exuberance and tongue-in-cheek humor often runs the risk of archness to the point coldness, becoming too intent at skewering the ridiculous to actually carry a human center. L. Zamora Linmark's Leche sidesteps this trap by grounding the chaos of his setting with a fallibl...