Rachael Ray 365: No Repeats--A Year of Deliciously Different Dinners (A 30-Minute Meal Cookbook)
Edition language: English
'Quick' does not necessarily mean 'practical' - for many of the recipes you need to have plenty of ingredients at hand. Also, recipes are not very suited to European taste - still, I have managed to select a few. If you want something quick and more sensible, try "Real Fast Food" by Nigel Slater.
This book is the reason why I don't like Rachael Ray.
To be fair, I haven't spent a lot of time making things from this book. Read through it a few times, tried a few things with good results. Rachel DOES tend to require LOTS of ingredients, and its a little off-putting. Will delve into it again when I have more time to ransack my pantry...
Only for fans of 30-Minute Meals. If you appreciate the way she suggests, rather than dictates, you'll enjoy this book. The recipes are fairly basic in terms of taste. It's not haute cuisine, but most people will find these recipes to be very serviceable.