Tradycyjnie, dopiero po przeczytaniu dowiaduję się, że to kolejny tom jakiejś serii. Jednak jest to seria kryminalna i na szczęście, by się dobrze bawić przy lekturze, nie potrzebowałam poznania wcześniejszych tomów. Wydaje mi się, że każda książka z cyklu "Tom Douglas" opowiada o całkiem innych z...
The story is about an obsession.It starts with a woman that called the police to report her husband and 3 children missing,and after they return it's the husband who reports her wife and 3 children missing.At an early stage you can guess why the wife disapeared,however throughout the story there are...
This book was gripping and compelling all the way through, despite a few instances of clunky writing and unnecessary detail. The concept of this plot is novel and though it's completely set in our world, at times it feels fantastical. Tasha is very well fleshed out, a character that’s both haunting ...
I found this book quite a difficult read as the subject matter of a rich and powerful mysogynist abusing his position as an apparent philanthropic head of a charity apparently with the objective of helping prostitutes, very harrowing. It occurs to me that it might have been considered somewhat fanc...