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RBRS* STEERING COMMITTEESUNDAY, OCTOBER 14TH, 2012DRAFT MINUTESCommittee Members Present: Elizabeth, karen, Ceridwen, Allison, markCommittee Members Absent: Joel, Jen, Bazi_________________________1. Introductions2. Review/Approve Draft Agenda for "Geared for Pleasure" - VOTEThe meeting was called t...
I think I've figured out my issue with steampunk. I've even said this before about the genre, but I wasn't listening to myself too closely. Steampunk is defined mostly by gadgetry - goggles and steamships and corsets - and that gadgetry generally has this narrow aesthetic band. I'm nerd enough to ha...
Review originally posted here: can’t count the number of times I picked up and put this book down since I got it. I was intrigued by the steampunk world, but could never really seem to find a time when I was in the moo...
A missing Princess, a sheltered warrior, political intrigue, and since it is a romance a sexy hero. Oh and plenty of action! Geared for Pleasure is split into two stories though the second follows the first without skipping a beat. An interesting way to introduce more characters and bring the story ...
2.5 stars.....I actually only read the first story...and it was okay...the world was very interesting it looks like the second story picks right up where the first leaves off but from the POV of another character.....she was one I did not care for in the first story and with that I decided not to fi...