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Rachel Klein - Community Reviews back

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pedestrienne rated it 6 years ago
Sure, it's an unreliable narrator. But it still seems pretty clear that Ernessa is a vampire.
die-leserattz.de & reziratte.de
die-leserattz.de & reziratte.de rated it 12 years ago
“Als ich das Tagebuch aufschlug, fand ich die Rasierklinge, die ich vor so langer Zeit zwischen die Seiten gelegt hatte.” In Rebeccas Internat beginnt ein neues Schuljahr. Zunächst scheint alles wie immer zu sein, doch dann geschehen verstörende Dinge. Der Hund einer Lehrerin wird enthauptet aufgefu...
Der Bücherwahnsinn
Der Bücherwahnsinn rated it 12 years ago
Ich bin Rebecca, bin 46, verheiratet und habe 2 Kinder. Eigentlich nichts besonderes. Doch meine Vergangenheit holt mich grade ein. Mein Psychiater, von früher, hat mich gebeten mein Tagebuch, welches ich mit 16 im Internat geschrieben habe, zu veröffentlichen, es als Buch raus zu bringen um anderen...
The Reading Perusals of Rose Summers
The Reading Perusals of Rose Summers rated it 12 years ago
I didn't know they were actually adapting this into a movie until very late, but I'm going to tackle the book before attempting to watch the film.
Books for a Delicate Eternity
Books for a Delicate Eternity rated it 12 years ago
The Moth Diaries is presented in the form of a young girl's diary during the year that she is age sixteen. She attends an all-girls boarding school, and is looking forward to the new year with her best friend; Lucy. When a new student arrives, Ernessa, the narrator is instantly jealous of the relati...
Luminous Words
Luminous Words rated it 13 years ago
Si tuviera que describir este libro con una sola palabra sería sin duda "Extraño". Por más que iba adentrándome en la historia, no podía decir con exactitud si el libro me gustaba o no, ni siquiera cual era "exactamente" la trama, lo único que tenía claro era que no podía soltarlo, que no podría par...
ErikaWasTaken rated it 13 years ago
Pros:* Epistolary style* Unreliable narrator* Gothic horror - think "Turn of The Screw"* Beautiful proseCons:* Slow build* Unresolved story points (i.e. Mr Davies)Because this is the journal of an unreliable narrator who is slowing going crazy, you never really know what has or has not happened. But...
The Ninja Reader
The Ninja Reader rated it 13 years ago
I like psychological thrillers, especially ones where even the reader doesn’t know what’s going on. Nothing like a good disorientating experience to get the blood pumping, am I right?The premise of “The Moth Diaries” promises just that - a difficult, is-she-or-is-she-not ride that will leave you bre...
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