Rachel Manija Brown
Birth date: October 01, 1973
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The Stranger is about a little desert community in the middle of post-apocalyptic maybe California, maybe Mexico, in which Norms and Changed try to defend their borders against potential hostile overthrow, mutated animals, and singing trees. When Ross Juarez, a prospector, stumbles into the town, th...
[This is an old review, and I had to guess at a rating. It was a toss up between 3.5 stars and 4. My memory of this book is still pretty positive, even after 3 years, so I decided to round up.] I got this at a used bookstore, buying it as part of decision to buy all the Tokyopop light novels the s...
I very much enjoyed this. I don't normally read autobiographies, but the verve and humor with which this one is written captures the reader from the start. I couldn't put it down. I found her personal insights on topics such as religion, mental illness, and cultural divides incredibly interesting...
Recently, all I've been craving are manga. All kinds of manga. And graphic novels, too! In fact, I just want to read a whole bunch of comic books in general! So what did I do? I went to my library and checked out a whole bunch of manga/graphic novels to quench this thirst. The first I decided to pic...
Review: Sawako, Yukari, Mai and Mayumi are four teenagers fed up with life. And one day they get an email to their phones inviting them to write a story. Each takes on one charcter and writes a little from their character’s point of view, and then the next person carries on the narrative. Each take...