Rachel Tsoumbakos is a stay home mother of two.Her main passions are writing, reading and organic gardening. Rachel lives with her husband, two kids, three cats and seven chickens in suburban Melbourne, Australia. While she has had several articles published through mainstream magazines, she has...
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Rachel Tsoumbakos is a stay home mother of two.Her main passions are writing, reading and organic gardening. Rachel lives with her husband, two kids, three cats and seven chickens in suburban Melbourne, Australia. While she has had several articles published through mainstream magazines, she has also written extensively for Suite 101 and True Blood Net. Emeline and the Mutants is her first published novel and available on Amazon: http://amzn.to/EATMUP A new novel, The Ring of Lost Souls, set in an abandoned mental institute on the outskirts of Melbourne, is her second novel and also available on Amazon: http://amzn.to/TROLSRTHer current work in progress is an edgy paranormal trilogy about a woman who is in charge of saving the world even though she suffers from amnesia. The title is 'Unremembered Things'. Make sure you follow her blog at www.racheltsoumbakos.wordpress.com for more information.Find Rachel on all the common Social Medias:Facebook:http://www.facebook.com/rtsoumbakosTwitter:http://twitter.com/#!/mrszoombyPinterest:http://pinterest.com/mrszoomby/Blog:http://racheltsoumbakos.wordpress.com/Wattpad:http://www.wattpad.com/user/mrszoomby
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