bookshelves: published-1921 Read in October, 2009 Scaramouche, Scaramouche! Will you do the Fandango? The film has to be it for me at this moment and Boy! it's a corker - smashing swashbuckling French Revolution fun with Stewart Grainger and Janet Leigh
I saw an article recently that said many people lie about reading classics as their most common way to appear smarter to others.Well, I'm apparently something of a strange duck: I really *do* read classics. This is one of them.Scaramouche is the story of Andre-Louis Moreau, a provincial French lawye...
I want to live in this book!
I wavered between four and five stars on this one, but I totally have to go with the five. It’s just that awesome. I was actually a little surprised at how much I loved this book. I mean, I love swashbucklers and historical fiction…Dumas père is my man, but the only other Sabatini novel I’ve read, [...
Wanted to read it all from the first page. Yes, paperback or the most beautiful edition you can find.
Scaramouche, Scaramouche! Will you do the Fandango?The film has to be it for me at this moment and Boy! it's a corker - smashing swashbuckling French Revolution fun with Stewart Grainger and Janet Leigh
Written in the 1920s but set directly before the French Revolution, this is the story of a young lawyer from the provinces, Andre-Louis. Raised and educated among the nobility, he has not the wealth, parentage, or hypocrisy needed to remain in their midst. When the Marquis de La Tour d'Azyr viciou...