by Holly Black, Kelley Armstrong, Rick Yancey, Neil Gaiman, Carrie Ryan, Saladin Ahmed, Melissa Marr, Margaret Stohl, Kami Garcia, Tim Pratt, Gene Wolfe, Garth Nix, Charles Vess
Rags & Bones is billed as a book of "New Twists on Timeless Tales", which, silly me, I thought would mean a book of fairytale retellings. (I love fairytale retellings, especially because I'm on a Once Upon A Time kick at the moment.) Although there are a couple of fairytales covered - "Sleeping Beau...
3.5 hit and miss
I haven’t had the best of experiences when it comes to short story anthologies, mostly because I was always forcing myself to get through it. As much as I couldn’t wait to read “Rags and Bones” a part of me was afraid at the same time of what kind of reading experience I would have. I am very happy ...
Overall, this collection of short-stories was a monumental disappointment. I've realized that mostly everything slapped with the label "dark" is not to my liking. In this case it's because if you're going to make it dark and depressing or scary as hell, at least make me care about your characters or...
RAGS & BONES is a collection of short stories that are retellings of works which mean something to the author. The collection contains re-imaginings of fairy tales as well as stories inspired by works of literature like Kipling’s THE MAN WHO WOULD BE KING or Spenser’s THE FAERIE QUEENE. Each contrib...
As previously noted, I hate short stories. But there was a retelling of the Monkey's Paw, which meant I was in.I skipped the stories that bored me, but I read more than half of them. I approve.
This short story is the first in a book called Rags & Bones: New Twists on Timeless Tales. Carrie Ryan's story is Inspired by E.M. Forster's "The Machine Stops" I haven't read Forster's story so I jumped in only thinking I knew what it was gonna be about. I admit I'm used to Ryan's Zombie novels so...
RAGS & BONES is a gorgeously currated collection of short stories, as satisfying for the glimpses of each story's origin story as the final product. As favorite authors distill classic tales to their essence, this his anthology was immersive and thought provoking, a masters class in the creative pr...
4 stars. This review also appears on Swoony Boys Podcast.MJ and I read this book together and lots of these words are hers ♥Twelve contemporary authors disassembled and reimagine aspects of twelve timeless stories, ranging from fantasy and science fiction to literary classics. Melissa Marr and Tim ...
You know how some authors can be self-righteous when trying to come up with something that they want to use as a tool to restore a person's faith in mankind? This is not one of those books. This book has "awwwww" written all over it. I was smiling 95% of the time but also shedding tears of joy half ...