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bookshelves: re-read, published-1962, slavic, re-visit-2015, film-only, winter-20142015, nobel-laureate, prisoner Recommended for: Laura, Wanda et al Read from January 01, 1989 to February 07, 2015, read count: 2 Re-visit 2015 via film: from wiki: ...
Dear reader,Greetings! My name is Ivan Denisovich. I was wrongfully imprisoned by our "beloved leader" Josef Stalin for a crime I did not commit. But then, in my country at that time, ANYONE can be thrown into prison for ANYTHING or worse, NOTHING. And I was not alone. There were thousands, even mil...
Cold. Very cold. And as a reader, you are visiting a prison camp in Siberia for only one day. A lifetime or multi-year sentence is hard to process.Shukhov (Ivan) has been sentenced to a labor camp in Siberia under Stalinist rule. It's a cold, brutal and dark existence. He's a practical man and doesn...
This book is one of those marvelous ones that manages to do many things at once. You can be depressed and uplifted simultaneously. The simplicity of the narration and the ordinary-ness of this society that Ivan Denisovich Shukhov finds himself a member of is all the more chilling for it, but also wa...
My translation had an odd moment towards the end where the writing switches into first person every couple of sentences. Very odd! But apart from that this is magic writing. It is distressing and freezing and remarkable. Solzhenitsyn makes minutiae vital and revealing.