It took me a while to get into this book but I’m glad I stuck with it. I really enjoyed the characters and the main struggle. Glade Io is a pretty standard main character. She’s likable but a bit flawed in her absolute belief in the Authority. Still, I felt it was true to her character that she woul...
I've had this in ebook for...forever, and only recently made it a priority. Being able to listen to it really helped that decision, and I'm so glad I did! I've enjoyed a lot of dystopians lately, but many seem to be lacking originality and only a few have become instant favorites. I wasn't expecting...
Glade Io was taken from her home at a young age to be trained as an assassin. Glade’s job is to cull out people that have murderous or violent tendencies to help make the world a better place to live. When Glade is kidnapped by group of people that is known as the Ferryman she soon learns that every...
A young girl wakes up with the hot sun beating down on her. The ground beneath her is dry and cracked. Her memory has been wiped. She doesn’t know where she is, where she came from or even what her name is. She hears someone scream and she knows she has to help them. She finds a girl Skye who looks ...