Genre: Fairy Tale / Classic / Friendship / Stepmothers Year Published: 1972 Year Read: 2010 Publisher: Square Fish “Snow-White and the Seven Dwarfs” is a Caldecott Honor Book from the classic Brothers Grimm tale that is retold by Randall Jarrell along with illustrations by Nancy Ekholm Bur...
The little brown bat stays awake when the other bats sleep, and when the weather cools and they move to the barn he stays on the porch, listening to the mockingbird and wishing he could sing, too. He can't carry a tune, but he finds he can describe the world around him with words. Does that make him...
This is a strange book. My knowledge of Australian based or influence literature is very lacking. The writer, Stead, was born down under but the book takes place in Washington. So really what is it? It reads like magic realism, but it’s not really. In some ways, Stead reminds me of Angela Carte...
from Katha Pollitt and Marjorie Williams' discussion at Slate: "It is one of the greatest novels about childhood I have ever read. Actually, it is one of the greatest novels I have ever read -- it should be just as well-known as Ulysses or To the Lighthouse as a classic of twentieth-century literatu...
Unique retelling of Snow White, but might be dark for young children. Same fairy tell but true to the Grimm Brothers version, while children might be looking for the happy Disney telling. There are beautiful pictures, but the big blocks of text in between made my lose interest in the story and I thi...
Absolutely beautiful.
Review to come
I am not going to do this one justice, I know. This is incredibly beautiful, powerful, sad, wonderful stuff. My brilliant friend Georgeanna (and next door neighbor - Lyndale neighborhood represent!) pushed this into my hands when I freaked out about how wonderful The Last Unicorn was. She's right - ...
As good and as brutal on childhood as Cat's Eye.
**Note: Review for 1972 Caldecott Medal winning version illustrated by Nancy Ekholm BurkertMy perpetual gripe of illustration/text ratio is a problem here, but the illustrations are very nice - reminds me a lot of Susan Jeffers. Snow White looks like one would expect a virginal young maiden to look...