by Rumiko Takahashi
Impossible not to compare this manga with Inuyasha, since it is from the same author. Akane is a little bit like Kagome (strong, with a temper) and Ranma is a bit like Inuyasha (likes to fight, a bit grumpy but always defending the girl). I like the love/hate relationship between them, and although ...
I'm not as fond of this and Inuyasha as I am of Loveless and Fullmetal Alchemist. And it's not that the author does anything wrong; I laughed, it was fun, the pace moved along quite nicely, especially given how thick this volume was. It moved at a breakneck pace, and there wasn't all that much d...
*3 Stars**The Gush*First I have to explain I hate Sitcoms. I've never seen one executed correctly, never seen one remotely funny, and I find their contrived 'comedic' situations to be stupid and annoying at best, insulting at worse....Then I tried Takahashi's Ranma 1/2 and I couldn't stop laughing. ...
I don't really consider myself a fan of manga (or graphic novels, or comics, etc.), but this story was kind of charming in a really silly way. I'm intrigued enough to eventually check out the second volume, if nothing else.
Funny as hell, entertaining like a roller coaster ride. Rumiko really knows how to write great characters and incredibly funny situations. Really, a classic in its own right and a must read for manga lovers.
Ranma 1/2 is fun, a little silly, and has very memorable characters. The setup is classic: Ranma has fallen into a cursed spring and now turns into a girl every time he's doused with cold water. Hot water will turn him back into a boy. Naturally, this is played up for slapstick (Oops! Ranma just acc...
Ranma and his father go on a training mission to China. When they jump into a hot spring things get a little strange. It turns out they jumped into a cursed spring. Now when they are in cold water Ranma turns into a girl and his father turns into a panda. Hot waters turns them back to normal.This ma...
A hilarious 'classic' manga. Ranma and his father went to China for training (Karate). They trained over these accursed springs; if they fell into a particular spring, they will turn into whatever drowned in there each time they are doused with cold water. The unfortunate incidents, of course, ca...
Read this a long time ago but remember really enjoying it...great story and the anime is good too.
Read prior to joining Goodreads.