Rapunzel (Best-Loved Classics)
9780007362745 (0007362749)
Publisher: HarperCollins
Edition language: English
The story is very close to the original Brothers Grimm fairytale minus the out-of-wedlock pregnancy and twins so it was pretty much your average Rapunzel story. The illustrations were beautiful, especially the silhouette style of art. Gibb doesn't draw faces terribly well, but she does okay. And t...
I almost gave this a miss because it is so so pink, but actually the illustrations are lovely. Gibb alternates between standard-style illustrations reminiscent of Jane Ray and Barbara Cooney and silhouettes a la Jan Pienlowski. The color pages are beautiful and detailed, and the silhouettes convey ...
Sarah Gibb retells the old story of Rapunzel yet another time, this time with illustrations in which all the highlights, flowers, curtains, clothes on the line, are pink. Even the pages with text seem to have a slightly pink tint. Gibb’s version is a compelling version, with drama and romance and te...
This was a delightful picture book, with these great black and white die-cut pictures. Nothing new fairytale wise, but cute.