by Audrey Niffenegger
What an intriguing, well-crafted book! I really enjoyed reading this "new fairy tale." I loved what Niffenegger was trying to say with this story: Love comes in all forms. It was beautifully told with fascinating artworks that the author herself made. I'll be honest, I didn't think I was going to ...
New Review! RAVEN GIRL by Audrey Niffenegger is a perfect blend of image & word. A modern fairy tale that's poignant & smart & beautiful. I give it four happy stars.
My rating: 3.5 of 5 starsSource: Library Checkout"Today we are going to talk about where the human race may be headed. We have the power to improve ourselves, if we wish to do so. We can become anything we wish to be."After the postman fell in love with a raven they had a child, a child that looked ...
This was a weird one. I ordered it from the library because I liked Audrey Niffenegger's past novels and the creepy art on the cover was quite intriguing (btw all the etchings in the book including the one on the cover were done by Audrey, which makes her way more awesome). I just wish I had known g...
In Raven Girl, Niffenegger combines the modern magic of medicine and technology with the more traditional elements of princes, transformation, and unlikely lovers to create an wonderfully unique Gothic fairytale. It's quick read is supplemented by Niffenegger's own illustrations which enhance the st...
Sounds fascinating! The font (like [b:Cinder|11235712|Cinder (Lunar Chronicles, #1)|Marissa Meyer||15545385]'s) caught my eye. :)
Dark, atmospheric fairy tale-like fantasy.