Rawn Shah is an expert in collaboration and social computing methodologies within organizations and on the Web. He is a business transformation consultant in the Social Software Adoption team in IBM where his primary responsibilities involve measuring and determining the business value of...
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Rawn Shah is an expert in collaboration and social computing methodologies within organizations and on the Web. He is a business transformation consultant in the Social Software Adoption team in IBM where his primary responsibilities involve measuring and determining the business value of collaboration technologies. He currently writes the "Connected Business" blog at http://blogs.forbes.com/rawnshah/ as well as a technically-oriented blog on social computing on IBM MydeveloperWorks http://bit.ly/rawnshah/. He is the author of seven books, his latest being "Social Networking for Business: Choosing the Right Tools and Resources to Fit Your Needs" (Wharton School Publishing, 2010) http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0132357798/. In 1990s and early 2000s He was also a freelance columnist and editor for technical journals such as JavaWorld, LinuxWorld, Windows NT World Japan, IBM developerWorks Web Services zone. In his spare time he is a third-degree black belt and teaches Japanese swordfighting to middle and high-school students in Tucson.He can be reached at http://twitter.com/rawn. The contents of this blog are his own ideas and opinions and not that of his employer IBM.
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