2.5 starsBoy breaks ankle, meets hunk, and deals with elevator-sex phobia (which was the most interesting part, really). Verbose and inflated and much ado about nothing much at all, this tried hard to be charming but was a miss for me.
I varied in rating with this but in the end decided on 3 stars.I didn't quite understand at first why Avery was so affected by his friend's reaction? If they were indeed only friends, his devastation seemed a bit exaggerated. Not to mention his involvement with Dylan was sudden, considering he was s...
After I got used to the narrative style, I enjoyed the story, Avery is funny and I liked him. the ending with Kayden and Michael threw me a bit, and then it was just over!
Cute m/m romance about an IT geek who ends up with a broken ankle when his cute neighbor trips over him in the hallway. I got a little frustrated with the dense language now and then, mostly because my brain was in the mood for fluff.