by Roger Zelazny, Светлана Комогорова - Комата
This is one of Zelazny's openly comic efforts, poking some fun at fantasy novel cliches but also showing a number of more serious themes that will be familiar to readers who have read Zelazny more widely than just the Amber series. For example, opposites seperated and in tension (magic and technolog...
The infant son of a wizard is swapped with a baby from our world. The later brings technology to the fantasy world, while the former finds his way home through magic. Naturally the two go to war over a woman. Some fantastic scenes including the invention of a paddle wheel, the awakening of a drag...
Upon the death of Det Morson, the wizard Mor takes Det's son Pol to a world dominated by technology and switches him with baby Daniel Chain. Pol is raised as Daniel Chain and Chain becomes Mark Marakson, a youth with an extraordinary aptitude for technology. When villages kill Mark's father and at...