by David Shields
Had Shields published this book anonymously without copyright or charge I might take him more seriously, but really you have to laugh, at least I do. Even so, there’s some good and important stuff here about the changing nature of the world and information and art, which is why I give the book three...
Had Shields published this book anonymously without copyright or charge I might take him more seriously, but really you have to laugh, at least I do. Even so, there’s some good and important stuff here about the changing nature of the world and information and art, which is why I give the book three...
I will inevitably give five stars to a book that encourages criminal activity so my opinion of the book might not be trustable.Shields says "Fuck piracy and plagiarism" and to give his audience a demonstrative donkey show of what he means the book itself is a bunch of quotes from other people, piece...
What is fiction and what is nonfiction? The boundary line is no longer clear. Shields argues that modern novels are a form that does not satisfy a world increasingly alienated from reality, using bits and pieces of others' writings to make his point. A book worth reading if just for the cleverness o...