Reasonable Doubt
Series: Reasonable Doubt (#2)
4.5/5 starsI loved it, can't wait to read volume three, but why hasn't it got a release date yet?
Andrew, Andrew, or ....., you are such a horny basterd!!!! Looking forward to part 3. You better get yourself together and stop beeing a arse, no matter what you lived through!!
2.5 to 3 STARSMy overall opinion about this second installment of Reasonable Doubt by Whitney Gracia Williams is that we are exactly in the same place that we were on, at the end of book 1. Except for a few revelations about Andrew's past, I felt no evolution whatsoever in Aubrey and Andrew's relati...
LOVED IT! Can't wait for the last book.
Loved it!! Andrew, is still such an asshole, but I think there is hope for him. My full review and I get on my soapbox about readers behaving badly.For the rest of my review: Straight Shootin' Book Reviews