I thought it was as good read its something new from what most authors are writing these days. Its well written and well constructed. Its worth the read.
Not bad (she said cautiously), if not really to my taste, either.
2.5 / 3 starsQuite interesting, historically speaking. Authoress clearly has her own prejudices, but tries for neutrality in presenting her material, all the while still shaped by the sensibilities and mores of our period.A fascinating look at the psyche and life in 14th century, as well as the text...
It was ok, though mainly a teacher's resource and guide to the Middle Ages and a small (exceedingly small) sample of young adult historical novels set in that era.Barnhouse tries to be unbiased, but she too is a creature of her education and it would be an excellent idea to read through a number of ...
Decent historical novel set in the period of Beowulf. Just did not capture my interest....