Meraviglioso e dolcissimo!Ho adorato entrambi i protagonisti! Carter è meraviglioso, un uomo forte, protettivo e pieno d'amore, un'alpha con la A maiuscola e Jackson.. awww è così dolce e tenero, un omega che ispira tenerezza ma... che sa difendersi, nonostante la sua condizione ha il coraggio di lo...
Cooper hat sich umgebracht! Seine Freundin Libby kann es nicht fassen, weil er augenscheinlich glücklich war. Nach dem ersten Schock stellt sie Fragen, die Coopers Freunden und seiner Familie unangenehm sind."Der Tag, an dem Cooper starb" ist ein Jugendthriller, der nicht nur Spannung verspricht, so...
2.5 stars19 year old, Josiah, hoping to better relations between weres and humans visits with a the River Wolf Pack. There he meets several pack members and a day or so in goes into heat and is mated to the alpha. But as his time there dwindles down, Josiah uncovers some information about the organ...
By Rebecca James ISBN: 9780553808063 Publisher: Random House - Bantam Dell Publication Date: 12/2/2014 Format: Hardcover My Rating: 4 Stars A special thank you to Random House Publishing Group - Bantam Dell and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review. SWEET DAMAGE, by sens...