by Jordan Castillo Price
This episode gives us more background about the mystery and is focused on the details of the experiences so far and more about Marlin. As was true in the others, I found myself with more and more questions. I didn't find this one quite as interesting but that was mostly because I really wanted a lot...
This episode gives us more background about the mystery and is focused on the details of the experiences so far and more about Marlin. As was true in the others, I found myself with more and more questions. I didn't find this one quite as interesting but that was mostly because I really wanted a lot...
Mainly about the science of the "turbulence." I had trouble following it and didn't find it all the interesting. Hope the story heats up a bit in the next episode.
It's getting more interesting.
Read the first 2 parts, I'm waiting till a few more are out so I can read them together!
"Riveting stuff, Mulder and Scully. Please, continue your good work," Skinner said.Yes, I'm continuing with The X-Files comparison. I'm determined to wring every last drop out of it.JCP, I love you. You're one excellent writer. This episode just about knocked my socks off. And that's without any sex...
smashwords freebie July 2012
Very good installment of the serial in which Paul starts to freak out about their situation, but gains calm from an unexpected source.