Red Hood's Revenge
Jim C. Hines (author)
Edition language: English
Young Adult,
Science Fiction Fantasy,
Fairy Tales,
Fairy Tale Retellings
Series: Princess (#3)
Jim C. Hines ist ein Vorbild. Er ist ein Vorbild, weil er sich aktiv und mutig mit einem Thema auseinander setzt, das am liebsten tot geschwiegen und ignoriert wird: Vergewaltigung. Er ist geschulter Krisenberater, schrieb Artikel und Essays und veranstaltete jahrelang Kurse. Er betrieb Aufklärung u...
Roudette, infamous assassin, has a new target. Everyone assumes it’s Danielle and rallies to protect her – not suspecting that Talia is her main target Nor that simple assassination is the last thing on her mind. Caught up in a complicated, unimaginable scheme, Danielle, Talia and Snow White are...
This was a very Talia-oriented storyline, which made me a very happy camper as she is my favorite character. Some parts dragged, but no more than in the previous books. I absolutely love these characters. Seeing Talia happy and in love (*gasp*) is such a refreshing change!
The only thing I hate more than the sensation of being stalked by heavy-handed religious criticism is the moment when it jumps out from behind a hedge and smacks me upside the head with a sledgehammer.
You have many Princesses in literature and movies. There's Princess Leia who got to shot people; there's Belle who got a library; there's Princess Moonbeam, who got to (okay, I can't remember what Moonbeam got, but she got something). There's Eowyn who got Faramir, but more importantly got RESPECT...