Red Unicorn
The enchanting, magical sequel to The Black Unicorn and The Gold Unicorn!After several years traveling, Tanaquil — a sorceress like her mother with the ability to mend — returns home only to discover that her true love has been betrothed to her sister, Empress Lizra. Broken-hearted and jealous of...
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The enchanting, magical sequel to The Black Unicorn and The Gold Unicorn!After several years traveling, Tanaquil — a sorceress like her mother with the ability to mend — returns home only to discover that her true love has been betrothed to her sister, Empress Lizra. Broken-hearted and jealous of her sister’s happiness, Tanaquil is lured by a red unicorn into a mirror world where she encounters Tanakil, a diabolical version of herself. She discovers also several new powers. Powers she will need to foil Tanakil’s sinister plot of revenge.
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Format: paperback
9780765345684 (0765345684)
Publish date: April 14th 2003
Publisher: Starscape
Pages no: 192
Edition language: English
Series: Unicorn (#3)
And with Red Unicorn concludes this trilogy. To sum up my feelings on this trilogy, I liked it. It was pretty good. I do recommend this series. However, I did have some problems with this last book. That problem being the plot. The entire plot of this book is centered around Tanaquil being depress...
Very Tanith Lee, with lots of commas and question marks. It's almost too bad she decided to go with the unicorn motif for the sequels, because both the gold and red unicorn were disappointing. The eponymous red unicorn was only there for like a chapter and felt rather superfluous.Still, a happy endi...